Comparison of the mineral value of African Yam Bean seeds grown from different Nigerian geographical locations
Nurseries were prepared at different locations in Nigeria which include Abakaliki, Enugu and Ibadan, with
seeds of 13 genotypes of African Yam Bean collected from Gene bank of International Institute of
Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. At maturity, they were transplanted to permanent site to fit into Completely
Randomized Design. The plants were staked two weeks after transplanting in clock-wise direction. The
method of A.O.A.C (1990) was employed for the determination of mineral content of the harvested seeds.
Potassium was the most abundant macronutrient followed by phosphorus, iron was the most abundant
micronutrient followed by zinc. The seeds grown from Ibadan location showed high value across the
genotypes than other locations while the genotypes performed averagely higher in Enugu than Abakaliki.
In Abakaliki, TSs 58 is advised to be consumed while TSs 52 and TSs 57 could be given high preference
for consumption in Enugu. In Ibadan, majority of the genotypes recorded high nutritional composition
but high preference is given to TSs 57. Across the whole locations, TSs 57 from Ibadan could be given
highest preference and TSs 58 from Enugu given least preference. Finally, this work showed that seeds of
the same genotypes grown from different locations have varied nutritional composition.
Key words: genotype, macronutrient, micronutrient, Sphenostylis stenocarpa.